Founder's Message
Founder's Message: Domestic Abuse- intimate partner violence is never justified, no matter who the victim or perpetrator is; you have the right to be free from abuse.
Hello, I'm Elizabeth.
​Dealing with domestic violence in the 80s, 90s, and 2000 was not easy, either then or now, or throughout history. At that time, instant social media connections and interventions were limited, making support, community programs, public awareness, empathy, accountability, and education about domestic violence difficult to find. Family violence, social, racial inequalities, and injustices were often tolerated, kept secret, or normalized by abusers, enablers, and society.
Let me be clear: intimate partner violence in any form should not be tolerated, normalized, enabled, or justified, regardless of the victims or perpetrators.
Starting 'SIS' was not instinctual, but rather a life calling born from my personal experiences and those of my daughters and others who faced similar pain. This crushed me, yet fueled my resolve to create a safe space for survivors. Who better to share a survivor's story than a survivor? Some professionals, despite credentials, often lack empathy and understanding, being tone-deaf and desensitized to domestic violence, trauma, and injustice, with some exploiting survivors for personal gain.
Starting a nonprofit is viewed by many as financial transactions, rather than relational building and cultivating a community to build pathways and bridges for others to be uplifted. There is an unhealthy cultural mindset of the 'what's in it for me' belief system, which I find cringeworthy.
Despite encountering doubters and limited support in the nonprofit sector, I persevered, undeterred by skepticism about my qualifications, connections and capabilities.
Everyone's experiences are different, and mine is not unique. However, being a female founder in the nonprofit industry has not been a welcoming, inclusive experience when you don't fit into a checkbox, many - including faith-based communities and established organizations - wish me luck but decline support or collaboration, citing my limited funding, connections, their busy schedules, or the presence of established organizations doing similar work. Some mention my lack of prominent names on the board of directors.
Many have declined to join our board, preferring well-known organizations and recognition over startup organizations. This lack of support for survivor-founded agencies and new founders like me is disheartening, but I remain committed. God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called.
Despite these challenges, I remain humbled and deeply grateful for those who have stepped up to support the SIS program and services. These incredible individuals believe in my purpose and have shared their expertise, time, talents and resources to contribute to our cause.
Blessed and thankful for the opportunities God continues to provide as a survivor and founder of Scars Into Stars.
Empowered by faith, I am determined to serve and uplift our community, particularly those facing abuse and hardship, and trust that those who share our passion, authenticity, and concerns for survivors will join us in this mission.
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.